Ayşe Deliismail Çiftliği, http://www.aysedeliismailciftligi.com/, produce raw dairy product which can be super good for you. At https://www.realmilk.com/ it suggests ‘children consuming raw milk had greater resistance to disease, better growth and stronger teeth than children consuming pasteurized milk.’

Ayşe suggested, “If they had milk in the days of Göbeklitepe it might have been like this; fresh from the animal and rich in goodness. Normal shops only sell heated milk, known as pasteurised, since the medical community warns of dangers.”

‘Health,’ thought Arther and asked, “do you know about WHO?”

“Who? Dr Who?” quipped Ayşe.

“No you silly moo, WHO! W-H-O! On their website http://www.who.int/en/ they state…..

‘WHO staff work side by side with governments and other partners…. We ensure the safety of the air people breathe, the food they eat, the water they drink – and the medicines and vaccines they need.”

“Hmmm, we ‘need’?” pondered Ayşe. “Do we? Need?”

“Each to their own,” suggested Arther, “as Gerald Celente says: think for yourself!”

While the BBC might consider the likes of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, Dr. Bruce Lipton, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Russell Blaylock or Clive de Carle as pseudo-scientist practitioners, Arther and Ayşe welcome their contributions and love the raw milk… and cheese with the best whole grain bread, fresh, dried and fermented fruit and vegetables, splashed with cold pressed olive oil and balsamic vinegar; all super dooper yummy. En plus salt! Arther always carried his own magnesium rich super-good-for-you Celtic Sea Salt: https://www.ancientpurity.com/celtic-sea-salt

Ayşe pointed. “That is Göbeklitepe!” she declared.

“Isn’t it cheese?” asked Arther.

“Yes, Göbeklitepe T-shaped cheese!”

“So, tell me about this Göbeklitepe thing…”

