Mrs. T also spoke up, “I like the message bequeathed to the Turkish nation by Atatürk:
Yurtta Barış Dünyada Barış,
which means
Peace At Home, Peace In The World.”
In English this sounds a bit like:
yurt-tah bar-irsh doon-yah-dah bar-irsh.
Mr. T added, “Ah now, you see, we’re back to frequency. Consider the human as a frequency generator. High frequency tends toward love and peaceful intent while anger, anxiety, jealousy, theft are indications of lower frequency vibration. Love over fear. Thought is powerful in directing and determining your frequency. Perhaps this should be a primary lesson in schools rather than the Prussian-Frankfurt model; let the imagination flow rather than fixate on regurgitating ABC.”
Ayşe smiled, “T is for teacher!”
Arther wasn’t so convinced, “T is for tosh! Tosh and nonsense!”
T smiled, “One person’s tosh and nonsense may be another’s inspiration and enlightenment. Be open to evolving beyond materialism and dogma. Even mc² = e may have an expiry date. Keep an open mind Arther. Beware the error of your ways and thoughts, since a closed mind may leave you prone to stagnation.”