Tee-tee. Tee-tee. Tee-tee… that is the Göbeklitepe telephone ring.

“T is for telephone and that’ll be the phone!” said T jokingly about the bleedin’ obvious.

T handed the dog ‘n’ bone (Cockney rhymin’ innit!) to Ayşe to answer, “It’s the BBC.”

“Ah, the Brussels Broadcasting Company,” said Arther. “Britain’s £3.74 billion taxpayer funded Pravda.”

“They want to ask you Arther about being at Göbeklitepe on the Turkish-Syrian border.”

“Tell them I’m busy having my hair done… no thank you Ayşe, they will never analyse nor report upon Göbeklitepe properly. They are conventional agenda driven, just like the €U just like UNESCO.”

“Oh Arther, you’re so critical political!”

“Critical political? What, and the BBC are fair, open, objective and apolitical? John Humbumphrys, Eddie NightMair, Lice Dullset, the Dumblebey brothers… Trends Journal publisher Gerald Celente calls them presstitutes and he’s not wrong. Brian Clotz, the BBC science poster boy of the solid world mind set, says ghosts are not real. Really Brian Clotz? A scientist declares something does not exist just like that? Just because you haven’t seen one, doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Is it proving a negative or evidence of absence? I’ve not knowingly seen a ghost, but that does not negate their existence, does it?”

“Do you want to see a ghost Arther?” offered T.

“… as well as mermaids? Yeah, go on then!”

