“Duck! Now! Duck!” yelled T, and Arther did, partly out of shock as T yelled. Whether it was to duck or not to duck, the yell was instruction enough.
A ball of Archons zipped in, just over Arther’s stooped frame and whizzed on through and out, back off into space.
“What the f….?!” Arther only knew something had whizzed by his ear in a momentary flash and that was about all he knew.
“Ah, that was a close shave,” said T rather calmly and rather amused, “Archons. They were created at in the early stages of the formation of the solar system, before earth was born. Archons are predatory. They are inorganic alien beings and feed off fear. You had no fear to feed from and on they went about their torrid way. You made the correct decision in the given moment. I merely tune-in and download information. The information was to inform Arther to duck in time and indeed, you did just that.”
Another Göbeklitepe moment. Quack quack!