Mrs. T, “We have been uncovered and although we do not have all the answers, we do provide a catalyst to question and contemplate. You can contemplate or not, ask or not, make your choices and respond to any given moment in time. The game of life is a challenge; inner knowledge and decisive decision making may overcome emotional blockages. You don’t need to understand the creation of the universe nor the answer to everything, though it can be most interesting and entertaining to be curious. If we knew all the answers, what would there be left to be curious about? Perhaps while intellect thinks, the heart just knows. Take courage and listen to it.”

Arther chipped in, “It’s a fine line between head and heart, twaddle and truth. I grew up with the parameters of Adam’s Rib and Darwin’s evolutionary theory. Anything beyond that was called pseudo or conspiracy or myth or paranormal or just plain silliness… like ghosts, a fun idea, but ultimately a silly notion. Where the big bang theory or Mary’s virgin birth are serious, the ghost of Piri Reis is a silly figment of silly vivid imagination. I saw him, you saw him, we saw him, but it makes little difference to solid world minds like Dorkins.”

T paused…. then, “Professor Dickie Dorkins talks about God Delusion while Christian Dr. Rupert Sheldrake talks of Science Delusion. It appears Dorkins holds a dogmatic belief system: Darwinian evolution and atheism. He refutes religious faith yet behaves religiously within his system of belief. Interestingly, Dorkins apparently avoids public debate with Sheldrake.”

Arther listened. Profound contemplation or tosh and nonsense? Like football, life can be simple and yet made ridiculously complicated by players and parties involved. That reminded him, “By the way, does anyone know the Arsenal result? Anyone fancy a kick-about?”

Hey presto, as if by magic, T transferred in megalith enthusiast St. Richard of the Toon Army to play Piri and the Goon, with the T’s in goal, “Header Piri! Header!”

