Melania eventually organised Donald a pair of trousers and Ayşe reflected on this once upon a time moment.

“Strictly come dancing and speaking we should not have him here. So many who hate hate, yet do hate, will hate it; BookFace, the Şanlıurfa authorities, the Turkish people, the Turkish government, the UK government, London Mayor Sordik Khant, the €U, the IPCC… they’ll be upset and possibly even offended.”

“Tosh and nonsense!” insisted Arther, “I like him. The BBC bash him every day. When I’m told no, I want to know why. They accuse him of prejudice while everyday his self-righteous critics display… well, prejudice. Plus, Melania is pretty cool.”

Ayşe looked at Arther, “Arther? What is going on? Why is he here?”

“Donald builds buildings. His business is construction sites. Göbeklitepe is among the oldest construction sites. We must drain the archaeological swamp of stagnate and tired old thinking. There’s a synergy. We want a fresh approach, not more fake news or sanitised BBC documentaries on party line history. Let the people explore Göbeklitepe, not just the Smithsonian Institute gang… also, there is a history in the US, a pre-Columbus history.”

“Indeed there is,” said Donald, “… a beautiful history, so beautiful. In 1848 President Lincoln made reference to ‘The eyes of that species of extinct giants, whose bones fill the mounds of America, have gazed on Niagara, as ours do now.’ Now, would that have been giant humans or giant mammoths? Then there are cases such the Ohio Serpent Mound. Who? What? Why? Who knows, but it’s fun finding out. Göbeklitepe is an opportunity to revaluate and revise. I sense a deal! To all our benefit!” … and off he went to chin-wag with T while Melania took tea with Mrs. T, Ayşe and Arther.

