Let there be infinity bubble light and there was.

“Now,” continued Ayşe, “let’s consider electricity. Wallace Thornhill of the Thunderbolts Project https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/ says Farraday said: ‘Electricity is the secret to understanding gravity and the universe’ and that adding fudge matters such as dark matter and dark energy is the antithesis of simplicity…”


“… he continues to explain that at a 1994 conference in the U.S.A. it was suggested the ancient sky witnessed by our earliest forebears was different to the one we see today… it can only be explained by electro-magnetic influences within our solar system.”

Ayşe was in full flow, “apparently, the concept of the electric universe was proposed by Immanuel Velikovsky and challenged almost every major conventional scholarly discipline from Newton to Einstein, Sagan and Hawking. In a nutshell, if Velikovsky was right, the conventional scientists are wrong, all of them. Quackademia attacked him for it; cultural amnesia…”

Ayşe liked the idea the Sun being hollow rather than a ball of nuclear fission.

“Me too,” agreed Arther, “it seems ancient megalithic rock art patterns resemble electric discharges in the laboratory,” and he flew around to draw some upon the canvas of space.

