Ayşe’s curiosity continued to dig, “History. Herstory! The uncovering of Göbeklitepe is a chance to revise and re-evaluate. Perhaps history is an on-going process of revision and re-evaluation.”
“What is the bleedin’ truth? Why is it apparently so difficult disseminating the truth?” asked Arther, “How is information presented to us day to day? Well, in the UK this is the flagship news programme…” and with that Arther produced a radio from somewhere within his infinity bubble and turned on the Brussels Broadcasting Corporation’s morning Today programme…
The first story was about racing driver Hewis Lamilton tweeting about his nephew: “Why did you ask for a princess dress for Christmas? Boys don’t wear princess dresses.”
Lamb Brisket of the anti-bullying charity Ditch the Label accused Lamilton of ‘publicly shame and attempt to undermine a small child’ while Unfun Satire of charity Stay Brave UK called for the driver to be stripped of his MBE.
Hewis made a public Tweet apology: “My deepest apologies for my behaviour as I realise it is really not acceptable for anyone, no matter where you are from, to marginalise or stereotype anyone.”
Ayşe reacted, “This is Formula 1 political correct bananas; humour deficit madness; and on a more profound and serious level, social engineering of the masses and in a nutshell, mind control. Objective historic analysis and truth will be casualties.”
Arther yelled at the radio: “It’s a joke you silly BBC twerps! It’s called a sense of humour you wallies! It’s called having a laugh!”
To the amusement of the others, Arther played at being a fairy princess, “Oh woe is me, bully me not! Bully me not!”