The BBC continued. It just so happened that Prince Hurry was among guest editors for the Xmas period and was this morning with presenters Dustbin Rubb and Sarah Moundofgoo. Next came an ‘exclusive’ interview with ex-President Obomba who had overseen the dropping of in excess of 100,000 bombs and missiles striking seven countries in that Nobel Peace Prize style of his. He reminded the audience he was an ex-constitutional lawyer and bemoaned the irresponsible use of social media. Hmmmm.
“Obomba the constitutional lawyer – that’s hilarious,” laughed Arther and declared, “Trump’s tweets simply by-pass the BBC and communicate, untethered, directly to the people. The establishment don’t like it, but the people do. That’s it. Plus, Trump is funny, perhaps not to all tastes, but who is? The BBC et al just do not get it.”
“Of course, one person’s joke is another person’s horror,” suggested Ayşe.
“… yeah, their horror is of an unedited message direct to the people. Free speech and expression? That’s not Collectivism – that’s liberty and we can’t be having that now, can we?! If Göbeklitepe is left to them, the story will be their story.”
Obomba also lamented the threat to the environment that is us; we human beings; a disease upon the earth. We must be reduced and managed in the name of man-made climate change. No thanks Bomby!”