Next on BBC Today came commentary and promotion for David Rottenborough’s TV production Blue Planet followed by Prince Hurry interviewing his father Prince Charlady further warning everybody of climate change: “They’re beginning to realise that what I was trying to say may not have been quite as dotty as they thought.”
Arther reacted to this statement from the radio, “Dotty? More like Prince bleedin’ Maurice Strong bleedin’ Rockefeller Foundation bleedin’ Agenda 21 carbon cult dotty Charlady! It’s madness! Insanity! Why not use your mentality – step up, wake up to reality!”
Somehow a Sinatra song lyric had come to mind and with that Arther blew Co2 all over the radio, “There you are; have some carbon dioxide! That’s life! The gas of life!”
The little Göbelitepe poppies breathed in the Co2. Mmmmm, food!
Ayşe goaded him, “Climate change denier! Climate change denier!”
“Do behave!” responded Arther, “I saw and listened to a bloke once, well, several times and more actually, called Jim Lee,” and turning to the radio he blurted, “… and I bet you won’t have him on the BBC any time soon! How about, for example, the tiny tiddly widdly diddly matter of geoengineering, weather modification and the weaponization of nature?”
Arther had heard Jim Lee challenge anyone to go to a proper court of law to prove the realty of decades of geoengineering, but of course, the ridiculous UN-IPCC-Rottenborough-Charlady carbon cult avoid the challenge: