Then there is an art figure from the Dogon tribe which is said to be inspired by Orion’s belt.

It is suggested the raised arms represent the stars Betelgeuse and Bellatrix.

Dogon are an ancient tribe living in Mali, West Africa. They claim to be the living conduit between heaven and earth and hold knowledge of the cosmos and man’s true origins.

The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian descent and their astronomical lore apparently goes back to 3200 BC.

According to one of their oldest legends, a race called the Nommos visited the Earth from the star Sirius many millennia ago. The Dogon learned from the Nommos that a companion star Sirius B was orbiting the Sirius star; the brightest star in the sky near the constellation Orion where the Nommos came from. They landed on Earth in an ‘ark’ that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind.

Rock art figures portrayed with circles or dots alongside the mid-rift are found globally. It is suggested they resemble plasma discharge patterns and indicate our ancestors were conscious of our electric-magnetic universe, an idea written about by David Talbott:

The Electric Universe:

