Rod popped up in Fungus Mungus’ hand… “Thomas Sheridan has posted a video about:
The Dogon Achieved Interstellar Travel
…. an ancient pagan tribe in danger of being hunted down by Muslims just as the druids were hunted down by Christians. Robert Temple ‘proved beyond doubt’ that that the Dogon tribe were aware that Sirius had an elliptical off-centre orbiting B star.”
Rod continued to paraphrase Sheridan, “… the Dogon originated from pre-Pharaonic Egypt when all the impressive monuments were built; the Sphinx, the Temple of Abydos, stuff buried under the sand until 200 years ago and has hieroglyphics as bas reliefs sitting proud of the surface, as with Göbeklitepe.
The further you go back in history, the better the megaliths get Egypt, Malta, Ireland. These people were drilling holes in stone and transporting granite blocks hundreds of miles across desert. It is highly likely they had advanced technology 10-12,000 years ago.
We tend to impose a 21st century mechanist view on interstellar travel. Shamans travel through consciousness and perhaps this is how the Dogon travelled. A form of remote viewing if you like. Our classical western world was destroyed by the Christians.”
Arther and Ayşe did a turn at being Dogon.