But, between the last page and the next page, Arther noted that “Kim on FakeBook comments ‘handbag reminds me of a prehistoric PC like an Amstrad.”

“Ssshhhh!” cautioned Ayşe, “don’t mention Kim. She’s a poetic type and very sensitive about being mentioned.”

“Oh, but I already have… isn’t she the one who thinks our text is too long?”

“Yeah, she’s that one.”

“Hey Kim! Don’t read this far! Kim!”

Ayşe looked at him, “Why do you push it so?”

“Lighten up! She also commented about Love > Fear! Cool Kim!”

Arther had had his fill of circumcision sights, imaginatively speaking, “I bet they’d have trouble cutting the end of T’s willy off. He’s rock hard!”

T piped up, rather amused, “Who says I have a willy? Donald thinks I have a sporran.”

Ayşe tried to draw a close on this subject, “OK, enough toilet talk humour.”

…. and with that a toilet entered the stage, because it could.

