Having taken a glance at Bolivia, as you do with flexible resonance technology, T continued contemplations upon the today’s social infrastructure machinations….

“Oh yes, this is the magic of Göbeklitepe and ideas whose time has come. It opens the door to an array of international global possibilities from the past which may prove useful for our future. Physics and finance and the financial system we have in today’s world are intimately and closely connected. Our current system is a zero sum game, petro-dollars, monetised debt based on a closed system of physics. Imagine if we had a system of energy whereby we were quite literally tapping into infinite energy resources of zero point energy. We wouldn’t have a closed system of monetised debt.

Are you still with me?”

“Think so,” said Arther hedging his bets.

“Hey Ayşe, I’ve invented imaginary money on my computer. I’ll lend it to you at interest. OK?”

“But, after I have paid you back the loan, I will still owe you the interest. How can I ever pay back the whole debt which is more money than exists in the system?”

“Ha ha. That’s the trick. But ssshhhh, don’t tell anyone!”

T: “… and that is what is called the fractional banking system.

  1. Edward Griffin lays it out nicely in his book The Creature of Jekyll Island.”

