Ayşe looked earnestly at T, “You’ve been here a long time. You present us with different people, moments, time… you must know so much. Is there an answer to everything?”
T laughed. “I’m a mere stone in the soil, not the Oracle of everything.
There are known knowns, known unknowns and unknown unknowns.”
“You sound like a US Defence Secretary,” noted Arther, “You’re not missing $2.3 trillion too are you?”
T laughed; he of course understood Arther’s 10 September 2001 reference, “Pentagon humour eh Arther! We don’t use nor lose money.”
T continued, “Arther, there are infinite possibilities. Different observers can report different accounts of the same moment of time experience. There may be different answers to the same question and the same point of now. Any given moment of time is everything that ever was, is and will be. You have a choice how to respond in any given moment of time.”
T beckoned Arther to look at his base stone, “What do you see?”
Arther: “Ducks? In a row?”
T: “It is unlikely there were cows as you know them when these were carved, and probably not a duck as you might recognise either. However, for today’s purpose duck is the answer. Get your ducks in a row and be prepared. When I say so, do it.”
Arther: “Do what?”