“…. because the Church of Rome put them there!”
“Oh don’t mind him. Meet Rod. He thinks he’s channelling Thomas Sheridan and no, Thomas ain’t brown bread. Yes, you can channel live folk,” said Fungus calmly, inferring not only that his staff spoke, but had gender identity and was called Rod to boot. As if Fungus could read curious thoughts, “Well, it seems more of a him than a her and an it would seem somewhat cruel if I referred to the poor chap as if he were neutered. So he’s Rod. Could be worse. He could be channelling Chuka Umuppa or Seamen Schauer or Lispy Reeve or Mary Moustache or some other PhD dullard talkin’ bollix.”
“That’s my rude word! Now you’re all using it!” exclaimed Arther, sort of jokingly.
Rod the Magic staff went on, “The Vikings didn’t have horns. The Church of Rome marketed the Viking with horns to promote a devil like image. Truth inversion and projection upon your prey it is. Kirk Douglas, Tony Curtis and all that Hollywood stuff, it’s yer tosh ‘n’ nonsense Arther. It was part of the campaign to demonise and extinguish the distinguished legacy of the pagan and druidic heritage of those isles. Abraham and redemption had arrived!”