Suddenly there was another puff!

“But I’m orange! How can I be an orange white supremacist? Actually, I’d say I’m more salmon pink.”

Ayşe could not believe her eyes. There was Donald bleedin’ Trump, here in the middle of Göbeklitepe. Somehow Göbeklitepe, the T’s, however, whatever, had just manifested the 45th President of the United States of America…. and if that were not enough, he had no trousers! Aaahhhh!

Ayşe yelled, “Donald where’s your troosers?!”

“Oh, I thought I’d forgotten something. Hey, least I remembered my UK pants!”

The Donald smiled at his own joke knowing that UK pants were US trousers were Scottish troosers….

“We’re going to fix it. Melania will sort it out…”

“Oh my Goddessness,” Ayşe could not believe what just happened, “they’ll never understand Scottish songs or British slap-stick comedy in Şanlıurfa…”

