Göbeklitepe looked magical and beautiful. It was a fun moment and for those in attendance a joyous sense of humour was alive and thriving. “Ned says David says we’re too kind about Trump,” said Arther.

Ayşe replied, “Kindness is no bad thing and he usually receives the opposite. May be kindness can breed further kindness. It’s only a story anyway…”

Arther and Ayşe laughed. Laughter and beauty are such antidotes to fear.

Meanwhile, Fungus Mungus and Rod were checking out the carvings on one of the perimeter T pillars. Engineer and geologist Paul Burley http://grahamhancock.com/burleyp1/ has written about The Sacred Sphere and circular pictographic symbols found upon ancient architecture representing relationships between humans, the world, the cosmos and the Creator. Does Gobeklittepe symbolise an ancient cosmology, with the architecture representing the world and the carved figures symbolizing the Sun, stars and the night sky?

Arther and Ayşe joined them to contemplate a bird seemingly balancing or gesturing toward a circle upon its wing. Is the circle a ball, a sphere, a planet, a sun?

What is the Sun? A massive ball of perpetual in fathomable nuclear combustion? Or otherwise? Ayşe commented, “Eric Dollard who lives in the desert on YouTube reckons it’s hollow. That’s impossible according to our conventional science, isn’t it? Let’s go see…”

So they did…

