Prince Hurry’s BBC editorial morning continued to report upon a supposed mass mental health epidemic, the assumption that US President Trump is universally acknowledged as horrible, Brexit is unworkable and vaccines are essential for our general health. The Thought Fart For The Day slot popped in as usual about 7.45am with Absurdrahrah Sayins preaching a redemptive belief system which we must be careful when joking about for fear of offending the believers. To top it all off, Common Purpose trained London Met Police boss Crysister Dick, warned about the lack of funding to contain crime. What a lovely jolly morning of flagship news it all was, not. Good old Blighty, nothing to see here, move on! This radio experience illustrated why Göbeklitepe must be approached free of closed minds and politically correct management codswallop.

“Are you allowed to say Dick?” enquired Ayşe.

“It’s her name,” replied Arther.

Ayşe: “Is there a Mr. Dick?”

Arther: “No, only a Mrs. Dick.”

Ayşe: “It is funny, isn’t it? Her being a Dick? I know it isn’t supposed to be, but it is, funny.”

Arther couldn’t resist, “Gender neutral denier!”

“You behave yourself!” though Ayşe couldn’t help but smile. She pondered, “Just imagine the possibilities if we could go beyond the current conventional mind set. Suppose Co2 does not drive climate change nor global temperature and genes do not necessarily determine health. Imagine the difference; it might be useful, even liberating to explore wider possibility.”

“Yeah,” laughed Arther, “it would screw up the funding system for universities, NGO’s and corporate foundations. They are hardly going to fund Jim Lee, whatever scientific evidence he may offer. The established order has established thinking and any anomalies Göbeklitepe might throw up questioning the order could attract risk and control management. It’s not science nor objective analysis. It is a belief system of given givens and if you deny the givens, you don’t get the gets on offer.”

