Studying the Dogon brings up ritual circumcision sites such as the Songo Rock Shelter, Bandiagara Escarpment, Dogon country, Mali, covered in rock art:,_Mali.html
“Aaahhhh!” reacted Arther, “…. who in their right mind would cut-off the end of baby boy’s willy?”
Ayşe in her matter of fact way answered, “The religious industry does because of a book and the health industry does it under the guise of willy hygiene. One wonders, what is the difference between female and male genital mutilation? How come one is a political hot potato and the other standard conventional practise?”
“Aaahhhh!” went Arther at just the thought of such thoughts.
“Well, that’s God for you – makes imperfect human beings that require alteration.” Said Ayşe rather sardonically, “oh, and by the way, there’s another handbag. Was that the necessary tool bag?”
So, a tribe had knowledge of advanced technology and at the same time mutilated their children. At least that seemed the implication.
“Ooohhhhh…” Arther made more uncomfortable noise. He wanted to move onto the next page asap.