“Hmm, that’s better,” said Mrs. T having broken glass at distance. She went on, “Resonance. Interesting. I wonder if it had anything to do with the construction of the megalithic intrigue that is Puma Punku in Bolivia? About 7 miles from Lake Titicaca.”


“… where the precision engineering of the surfaces would appear to indicate techniques more sophisticated than the mere hammering of stone or even metal tools. Also, just for the record, there are more H shapes at Puma Punku.”

Mrs. T created an infinity bubble visual of Puma Punku and placed a spirit level against one of the H blocks. The surface is near perfect. This engineering seemed unlikely to be of Stone or Bronze Age culture. Some of the slabs weight more than 100 tons and had to have been brought from locations 5-10km away. Plus, there are lines of evenly spaced precisely drilled holes.

