Gender Neutral Bullydon Boy


SKU: 01433-22082021 Category:


Gender Neutral Bullydon Boy

Original Artwork: pen, ink, water colour on A4 160gsm paper, signed, dated.
Status: For Sale
£2,000 + postage & packing
E-mail: ned(at)nedpamphilon(dot)uk
Reference NPP catalogue number:
01433-22082021-NPP-Gender Neutral Bullydon Boy-02-01

Reproduction Options:
A3 Fine Art Archival Hahnemuhle Photorag Pearle 320gsm
A1 Fine Art Archival Hahnemuhle Photorag Pearle 320gsm
A0 Fine Art Archival Hahnemuhle Photorag Pearle 320gsm

Gender Neutral Bullydon Boy:
The WHO and the roundel British target emblem on the backside of ‘Boris the Spider’. The UK Prime Minister actually spouted this codswallop. God save our nation.